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The physical ability to enter a yoga posture or follow a yoga sequence isn't a purpose. 

With presence, observation and absence of judgment, you might discover how you react to adversity.

Perhaps then, you may observe your body and mind develop strength, flexibility and endurance in appropriate proportions, but perhaps moreso you can observe the development and benefits of compassion and equanimity.


Undoing is as much a part of a yoga process than doing.  So is feeling, observing and finding Ease within an intense effort and/or an agitated mind. Replace the Judge (Ego) in its proper place rather than in the one it covets (centerstage) and discover a World of your own treasures beyond the chaos.



Styles of Yoga are like river streams leading to the same Ocean. Regardless of the style we favor, when Judgment, Ego and Mind stop interfering then Observation, Compassion and Awareness take over. The mind is certainly the master, but the Body knows what master does not. When the master ceases to impose a frenetic pace of orders you have an opportunity to notice and perhaps adjust your - sometimes epidermic - reactions to the numerous stimuli of modern living. then, you begin to experience the true rewards of this ancient form of Knowlege. Listen inward and practice the style that fits the needs of the moment.



Breath is the most potent, powerful tool at our disposal. It can initiate movement, regulate the pace of movement, raise and lower temeprature and pressure. The mastered Breath builds endurance & flexibility. It creates space between consecutive thoughts which enables to separate from aggression (mind and emotion fluctuations), it increases our presence. Breath  animates the Energetic body (bandas & chakras) and transforms your power from dormant to active.



Experience how Yoga cultivates Balance between Strength & Flexibility, Yang & Yin, Doing & Undoing, Enabling & Accepting. Build strength, grace and equanimity by learning to ease into the intense efforts. Get physical & mental benefit from ALL styles. "It is radical to believe that moving with ease will get you further in your Life than moving with force" T.Stiles via M. Taylor



"Practice, and all shall come." Sri K Pathabi Jois.

The inherent release of the body's intelligence brought about regularity and repetition of poses linked by breath and flow, builds a strong relationship between that body and the subconcious mind. The Mechanics of Asanas are varied, adaptable to each practicioner. Poses (Asanas) are an excuse to feed each cell of the body with breath, care and absence of judgment, so that the entire body can become a comfortable seat for a quiet Mind. 

           CORE STRENGTH

A strong core enables stability, lightness, safe space creation within, confidence, patience,

uncovering of Life force, a heathy digestive system, optimal abdomina organs function.

Strength and flexibility revolve around the core's health and vigor. Practice and observe

the importance of a strong core support your yoga journey.

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